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        DEC. 3 - 5 | 2024



The global platform that brings together the entire aerospace ecosystem!
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photo Damien Guillon1




Bruno Laurent

Directeur Achats / Head of Industrial SubcontractingThales Alenia Space 

Bruno LAURENT est responsable du segment achats industrie chez Thales Alenia Space. Il est responsable des achats de production, assemblage, intégration et tests pour l’ensemble des sites industriels.

Bruno LAURENT est un ingénieur généraliste diplômé de l’INSA Lyon en France. Il débute sa carrière en tant qu’ingénieur développement antennes spatiales chez Thales Alenia Space. En 2007, il rejoint le département achats équipements embarqués sur satellite. Il a travaillé sur plusieurs portefeuilles notamment pour les constellations Globalstar 2, O3b et IRIDIUM NEXT. En 2015 il prend un poste de manager achats pour les besoins du Centre de Compétences Electronique de Toulouse puis en 2018 pour l’ensemble des Centres de Compétences de Thales Alenia Space. Il a récemment contribué à la transformation de l’organisation des achats au sein de sa société.

Bruno LAURENT considère que la confiance est le maître mot des relations commerciales. Il est convaincu de la nécessité de davantage collaborer et de donner de la visibilité à l’ensemble de ses partenaires pour bâtir des partenariats sur le long terme.



Bruno LAURENT is a general engineer graduated from INSA Lyon in France. He began his career as a space antenna development engineer at Thales Alenia Space. In 2007, he joined purchasing department for satellite onboard equipments. He has worked on several portfolios, notably for the Globalstar 2, O3b and IRIDIUM NEXT constellations. In 2015, he took on a purchasing manager position for the needs of the Toulouse Electronic Competence Center and then in 2018 for all Thales Alenia Space Competence Centers. He recently contributed to the transformation of the purchasing organization within his company.

Bruno LAURENT considers that trust is the key word in commercial relations. He is convinced of the need to collaborate more and to give visibility to all of his partners in order to build long-term partnerships.



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We are seeing an increasing amount of attendees at Aeromart Toulouse being contacted by third party companies to buy/order the attendees list of Aeromart.

Unfortunately, some past exhibitors and attendees have fallen prey to these companies and their offers. The organizer of Aeromart, abe – advanced business events, does not release attendees contact details to anybody. Please do not reply to these requests as these companies simply do not have the attendees list and try to scam you.

If you have any doubt, please get in touch with our team before responding to any correspondence.


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